It smashes the ground, which can be avoided by jumping, and throws huge rocks. The Robot Monobeast is a fighting type which uses a hurricane kick. Use Usami mode to avoid damage and destroy it as quickly as possible. The Horse Monobeast will try to avoid your magic attacks by jumping backwards. Whenever it stops to recharge, quickly use your magic attack. The swooping attack can easily be avoided by moving and jumping around. The Bird Monobeast swoops and breathes fire. After this attack you can jump onto its head to stun it. It also has an attack where it spins its body in a large sweeping circle, which you will need to jump over to dodge. The Snake Monobeast bites, spits pools of acid, and turns into a ball to bounce around. Jump onto the Tiger Monobeast's head to stun it before attacking, and use Usami Mode when it goes into a charging rampage. The Tiger Monobeast attacks by firing the cannon on its back, by spinning around in a sweeping motion with its spiked tail, and by charging at you. Takes many hits to remove its armor, but when its inner form becomes exposed it is very vulnerable but also extremely fast. The purple and blue variants drops more bombs.Ī large enemy which is actually a smaller enemy inside an armored suit. The red variant requires more damage to kill.Ī small enemy which drops bombs which will hurt Monomi if she is near them when they explode. Worm-like enemies which do not move around the map. Any enemies defeated during the stage have the chance of dropping a number of items, including recovery items, gold bars (every 10 gold bars is converted to 1 Monocoin at the end of the stage) and Present Boxes which will give Monomi a random item.Ī spiked enemy which will harm you if you jump on it. Monomi's speed is boosted while trailing magic, but prolonged use can tire her out, leaving her slowed and vulnerable for a few seconds.ĭealing damage to enemies adds to Monomi's "Hope Meter" when it reaches 100%, she can transform into Usami, gaining invincibility and unlimited magic power for as long as the transformation lasts. If she can make a closed shape, a burst of magic appears within the confines of the trail, damaging enemies in range. Monomi can attack by jumping on enemies (apart from spiked ones), but her primary ability is Magic Circle, which involves creating trails of magic behind herself as she runs.